last day of 2007
Monday, December 31, 2007
1st thing. i have finish the whole slamdunk series.
woohoo!!! its damn nice lahz.

ok so 2day go east coast wif kahmeng hadrian timothy n kevin.
was pang seh by marc zhengan n yijing.
so onli 5 of us. at 1st dunno wat to do cos so little ppl.
so stick to plan. go east coast then cycle.
cycle for 2hrs. butt oso pain.
then we met glenn n willis sir there.
singapore is so small....
so ride n ride n ride....

i go 7-11 buy lollipop then the others laugh at me....
dunno wats their prob lahz.....
cannot eat lollipop meh.....
its nice lor. the cola flavor n the lemon cola.

after tat go parkway for dinner.
ate steamboat.
ok lahz. not bad.
ate 2 bowls of rice. wow.
cos was quite hungry.
so after tat damn full.
but timothy n kahmeng still hungry!!!!
they oso ate 2 bowls lahz.
their stomach is as big as the swimming pool.
o.O so big..... lol

so come home. now go watch heroes.
i think its a nice show lahz.
ok. going to count down for 2008.
bye 2007. i will miss u.....

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Sunday, December 30, 2007
wah yesterday damn nice.
watch tv from 7pm til dunno wat time.
first was home alone4
then anger management

ok so home alone was....
not too bad lahz.
but not the funniest de.
and the house is seriously damn cool lahz.
wish to stay in those type of house.
all the bad guys still stupid.
kena played around by a small kid. haha.

after tat was anger management
didnt reali understand tat show.
like quite stupid lahz.
the guy keep kena-ing all the anger management lessons.
like he tio sabo de....
aiya. so overall didnt reali understand the story.

then was倚天屠龙记之魔教教主.
tis one another stupid show.....
during 元朝where got red cross de....
then the show come up....
is spastic lahz tis show....

just now was reading slamdunk.
yeah!!! finishing!!!
got one part damn funny.
keep making me laugh. haha.

2nite ch5 got movie again.
mr and mrs smith.
going to watch it. yeah!!!

then i 2day just noe got maths hw.
going to chiong it the next few days.
since 4th jan then nid hand up.
so got er...4days to do 40+qns.
shld be can lahz.

haha. go continue my slamdunk.
faster finish.

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Friday, December 28, 2007
2day is like damn boring....
so dun wan to talk about it much.....
but.... i am finishing the 倚天屠龙记.
yeah!!! 2 more episodes to go.
thx jingwei for lending it to me.
quite a nice show though nv reali folo the story.

anyways... i found another manga website.
got slamdunk lahz. somemore is completed de.
yeah!!!! can read finish.
so will stop d-gray man first.
after tat then continue.

2day planned to study phy de but then....
cannot control myself....
spend most of the time wif the television.
ah!!! jiu ming ah!!!
cannot liao... 2molo hv to study phy....
if not reali 4get everything....

study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study

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stupid day.....
Thursday, December 27, 2007
today early go sch for cca maze meeting.
meeting lasted for like 4hrs lahz.
retarted de.....
its like 2hrs can gao dim but dragged to 4hrs....
cos got ppl like amos down there keep talking crap.

think yijing damn stress being the overall head of the cca maze.
yijing dun so stress lahz.
but of course. smth hv to be done b4 the 桥can be 直
tats why u hv the rest of us to help u.
haha. dun worry so much.
we will help u de.

then go watch movie. damn crowded.
watch i am legend.
tickets selling fast.
dun understand why cheungweng say his side little ppl watch.
so we watch the 1615 show.
got one hr free go arcade waste time.
play some stupid spot difference game.
6ppl cannot complete the game.
spastic rite. haha.

then go in cinema. the ad like 15mins long.
but i like the ads. all veri nice de.
must fully utilise the $8
once can go in must go in then sit until everything finish then go out.
including the credits and stuffs.
we pay $8 ok. not cheap hor.

when watch finish i just commented tat the movie
was not veri nice, a bit disappointing.
then kevin must come guai-lan me.
say wat i tot u like watch tv will like watch tis ma.
pls.... its my opinion... he doesnt hv to accept it...
he like just can to come guai-lan.
dunno wat his prob.
like one day nv spastic/guai-lan/make fun of me will die....
so i damn piss off... went off on my own....

dun care lahz...
reached home 7+.
lucky mother nv say anything.

read the slamdunk manga to the latest chp they hv.
waiting for ppl to scan n post up.
hurry up thx.
so actually wan read金田一but....
the website doesnt seems to hv.
anyone noe of any website tat has it pls let me noe.thx
so went to read d-gray man.
as recommended by yijing.
so shall go read now.

go tis website. damn interesting......

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007
2day ar........
same lor...
tuition n stuffs....
boring like shit......
nth much....

was reminded 2day tat the hols are ending....
wa lao... like so fast...
oso nid cut hair soon... getting veri long...
when sch re-open...
hv to start mugging for 'O's....
thinking of it already sianz me off....

aiya.... sch re-open then say lahz...
now must take the last few days of the hols to enjoy.
but..... i haven finish my hol hw.
wat am i suppose to do?
my phy is like..... total blank....
chinese n chem are done....
tats all for my hol hw....
sounds little?
phy is damn alot, oso 4get my alot phy things so didnt do.
$11 of u all shld noe how much is tat...
crazy tcher....

hiaz.... so.....
hw not done..... hols are ending...
why so fast?!?!?!?
haven enjoy enuff leh...

on a side note... my hp 2day exceptionally quiet...
dunno why....
is the battery going to last me for 4 days again?
or going to last longer n break record?

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25th dec
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
today is 25th dec.
its xmas.
but nobody is like celebrating it lahz.
receive countable amounts of xmas wishes.
one xmas gift onli.
by kahmeng. chocolates. haha.
so 2day got tuition.
after tat play basketball.
but the ball no air.
nich goh go pump air!!!!!

why here xmas is like nth de?
in other countries is it like a big festival?
wonder how will i celebrate xmas if im in other country?
but thinking again....
some festival here which are big may not be big in other country.
so.... shld be happy here.
知足常乐not sure how to write.....

oh ya. 2molo can celebrate any other thing.
eve is celebrate the coming of the festival.
so the day after tat is to celebrate.....
the end of the festival!!!!
shld be a public hol oso..... haha

like tis i got 6 days to celebrate my birthday.
3days for tis calender 3 for chinese calender.
yeepee!!!! 2 birthdays!!!!
but..... nobody will care.... even my normal birthday oso no present....
dun say about the chinese calender...
poor me...
haiz.... nvm i am fine wif it...
no presents then no presents lor....
always like tis de ma....
so is xi guan le... dun reali care...
y am i talking about all these anyways....

anyways.... just being spastic about the.... er......
celebrating the end of the festival......

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Monday, December 24, 2007
so yesterday came back from msia.
about 3hr car ride.
sit until butt pain.
then reach custom then jam.
wa lao. sit for extra 20mins.
so reach home quite tired.
so watch tv eat...
blah blah blah
usual stuffs.

Xmas eve.
like nth de leh.
so quiet.
nobody wan go out.
so stay at home.
usual things again.
watch tv eat do hw play com read manga...
blah blah blah
then go my cousin.
suppose to hv bbq there but cos recently keep raining
so they cancelled it.
become some popiah session for the adults.
but others play mahjong n com.
noe a bit so watch n learn.
looks fun.
but i bet its painful when u lose.
lose=hole in pocket

but got one uncle damn suay.
if he throw 8tong instead of 4tong, he will win.
but... this is mahjong.
wat u expect.
cannot predict wat others is going to throw.
if not like cheat lahz.

then i play dota 1vs1 my cousin.
though he play dota longer than me, i still win.
haha :)

so came back. 2molo got tuition.
yes.... its on xmas.
cos they dun celebrate xmas so they wan tuition 2molo.
actually didnt wan.
but since i dun celebrate oso so ok lor.

y xmas like so quiet de.
nobody seems to wan to go out
tot will like a lot lahz.
looks like my frens dun celebrate.
so sad.
OH YA!!!! i no presents yet :(
hu going to gimme presents?

merry christmas to all!!!!!
even to those hu dun celebrate....

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Saturday, December 22, 2007
2day dong zhi
eat tang yuan.
tot will other relatives come.
but in the end nobody came. lol

so 2day oso veri sianz.
tot at msia can play dota.
but then dunno y cannot play.
wa lao. so sianz-ing all the way.
so nth much.
realise the food here is nicer than s'pore.

so nth to do i read manga.
read slam dunk.
damn funny lahz.
so read n read n read.
its nice!!!

oso play wif the baby.
so cute. haha.

see this pic? taken last mth.
cute rite? haha.
she damn fun to play wif.
learn things veri fast.

so... now nth to do
think go play wif her again.
haha. going back to spore 2molo.
n xmas is coming soon.
anyone giving me presents?

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in malaysia
hi everyone!!!
i am now at malaysia. haha
came here to visit relatives. so fun lahz.

so yesterday took bus n came in.
saw smth at mac.
a kid who just ate french fries.
so his hands oily.
then use his hands go touch his mother.
dirtying the mother.
then mother scold him.
he down there just keep smiling.
damn funny lahz.
then the mother clean his hands for him,
he took the french fries box n play wif it.
so his hands oily again.
still down there smiling. haha
so tats smth i saw at mac.

when we alight from bus. went to cousin gf hse to get car.
wah his gf damn rich lahz.
the whole family owns 6 cars.
oso a listed company.
the hse oso damn big. maybe got twice of poh wei hse.
maybe even bigger.
just think. all 6 cars can fit in.
plus the hse.
total area is damn big lahz.

then at nite got dinner.
means gd food. yeah!!!
so eat finish jiu go home.
then dunno wat to do.
play wif my cousin's baby.
she damn cute lahz. haha
but like got mood swing.
1min can cry the other min can smile
but fun playing wif her.
7months onli.

so... tats about it.
uncle say 2day is wat dong zhi.
then got tang yuan.
so maybe hse later got alot of ppl.

so fun!!!!!

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Thursday, December 20, 2007
2day.... tuition..... then go home....
watch tv....
then play dota wif a grp of ppl i dunno wif jeremy OTS,老柯,timothy.
the ursa so pro lahz. keep killing us.
but must thank me. haha.
if its not i see him 前途无量 and let him get so many kills he oso wun so pro lahz.
so must thank me. haha
expected to be last but no.
i wasnt last. haha.

2day go kah meng tuition centre learn tis.
子曰: 学而时习之,不亦乐乎?
有朋自远方来,不亦说(in this case its is pronounce as yue)乎?
子曰: 巧言令色,鲜矣仁
interesting rite? ....
got learn other things oso lahz. since its a chem class.
but this is some extra tat he teaches.
dun reai understand but will go find out. haha.

lets see....
wats their to see anyway.....
so boring 2day.

why is my life so boring.
cant it be more interesting?

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007
today another boring day.
woke up and do hw.
then tv.
like everyday oso the same.
on the other side, going to watch finish倚天屠龙记
quite a nice show.

oso another quiet day.
cousin came back then started slping cos transit plane at bangkok no slp
mother went out. dad oso.
sis went to sch.
so the hse like empty.
so alone at home.
nobody talk to me.
so afternoon was quite quiet.

then dinner. yeepee!!!!
ate drunken prawns, black pepper crab etc.....
cos my cousin came back after 4months of study at korea
missed s'pore food so went out for dinner.

so now.... sianz-ing again....
2molo got tuition again.
maybe tat will keep more not sianz-ing.

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boring day.....
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
2day damn sianz.... got tuition.....
so go lor..... like got choice.....
then come back..... watch tv......
just realise hols are coming to an end.
n my hw like so much haven touch.
especially phy. totally nv touch at all.
dunno go back sch wat will happen.
wat will JJ Goh do? haha

my dad came back today.
jingwei is coming back 2molo from korea.
so is my cousin. oso from korea. lol.
dunno got buy anything for me or not... haha
hope got. means presents. yeah!!!!

wat a sianz and boring day today is.
sianz-ing now.....

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Monday, December 17, 2007
so just now go watch enchanted again.
with alex tham, kevin darmawan, jue hong, cheng ding and timothy.
2nd time watching tis movie. still thinks tat it is nice.
especially the chipmunk. best cha in the movie.
b4 tat alex was like at poh kim taking so long to find his korean drama.
so we were like "eh eh tis one like quite nice buy lahz since u so rich"
they he will say either he hv already at home or its chinese subtitle so he dun wan.
he onli looking for those wif english subtitle.
then we go mac 打包 go in cinema.
then kevin no bag use jacket to hide his drink then the food think put in someone bag.
like so funny lahz wear the jacket till so wierd.
so went in the cinema. watch the movie.
when the movie ends, everyone thinks tat the movie is nice except cheng ding.
dunno wat his prob. but all agree tat the music was nice.
oso agreed tat the dragon is a noob dragon.haha

just realise singaporeans can be reali inconsiderate.
while on my way home, i was like WAT THE HELL!?!?!?!
found out tat the book which i borrowed from the library has a few pages missing.
obviously someone tore it away so i cannot continue.
in the cinema, while we watching the movie halfway, we heard this from the back.
i was like...... wan slp go home slp lahz. come cinema slp for wat. too rich is it.....

so ppl. dun learn from them.
seriously lahz.... wats their prob anyway....
like the cinema belongs to him. the book is they buy de.
those ppl shld go back pri sch again.
study the 好公民 again.
but think they will fail it lahz

so go home then on tv and watch until now.
so..... tats all.....
haha. boring life.

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meeting... boring day.
ok yesterday went for training dept meeting wif officers at kovan mac.
the mail stated 0900 SHARP but obviously it started late. so ya. was so bored.
then officers ask us qn nobody noe how to ans then i anyhow ans then jia cai sir was like....
dunno how to say. then oso realise tat i am such a lousy FA head.
then go eat lunch at a fast food restaurant dunno wat name recommended by poh wei wif poh wei n kevin.
then go popular see see then go home.
reach home started wif hw then poh wei send me psp games online.
was like bloody hell long lahz.
so do hw n waited for it to send.
then realise its 7pm so go watch star awards.
nth much tis yr but the top 10 most popular like a bit weird.
then went to check on the sending progress.
was like yeah at last going to finish. from 850000+kb to 45000+kb.
then suddenly dc. was from poh wei side.
i was like WAT THE HELL!?!?!?!?!?!
then pissed off log out from msn. go watch tv again. the 庆功宴(is tis how u write it?)
until 11 then read story book then go slp.

did some hw 2day. yeah!!!
oso received mail from kah meng. say dun wan to tuition us le cos he dun hv the expertise and capability in producing good results in us. but we dun think so leh. dunno y he felt tat way. must be sick then gong gong. will go ask him again.

means to find new teacher but where to find another chem-god?

now going to j8 to watch enchanted again.... wif kevin jue hong alex n cheng ding.
shall blog about the movie later since its my 2nd time watching it.
a nice movie wif nice music. haha

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BBQ at cheng ding's hse
Saturday, December 15, 2007
ok dun bother to find out more about blogging. so just continue wif wat i noe. haha.

so 2day went to cheng ding's hse for bbq. like more of playing than bbq.
bbq nv even start yanseen n alex tio push into the pool. dunno y like to find me for revenge.
say was my idea to push them so all wan push me.
but in the end dun hv. haha too bad.
bbq halfway all sianz diao then just jump into the pool n play. whee!!!!
so play n play n play n play then it rains. i rush back to check on bags n stuffs saw fried rice n bee hoon cannot eat. bags n valuables all wet. haha.
but nobody like care so continue playing.
play n play n play then rain get heavier so came up. all go cheng ding's hse.
few of us went to suana to dry ourselves then cannot tahan the heat so oso went up.
go up oso nth to do. play PS2 n com. they spastic play dota then use cheat get 100+kills lahz.
oso go cook the uncook food from the bbq.
the chicken wings taste quite nice. haha.
so after tat go hv dinner at coffee shop
then got people like to guai lan me(shall not say their names)
after went home. now so tired but cannot slp hv to wait for my sis to come home if not later she cannot enter the hse.

Alex oso broke a record of being swing into the swimming for 10+ times. i lost count. haha

2molo still got training dept meeting wif officers at kovan mac. like so damn far lahz. wa lao.
means hv to wake up early n missed my doraemon n power rangers mystic force. wa lao.

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testing testing 123
ok now..... so far still dunno how blog yet..... so now trying to explore and learn along the way..... when i learn liao then come again..... spastic right.......

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title: close to you
best viewed: firefox
name: Joson Chong,張俊生
sch: maris stella high sch
age: 15~16

chitter chatter

they long to be
  • kevin
  • kahmeng
  • jue hong
  • pohwei
  • nich goh
  • jingwei
  • daniel tam
  • dexian
  • cheungweng
  • aaron seah
  • nick chiam
  • melvin wah
  • watson tan
  • 4F'08
  • siying
  • louiza
  • yingying
  • huibing
  • mshs humanities

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