Saturday, January 19, 2008
ok. we hv taken over as NCO since 6 july 2007 and i think maybe nth much is done.
there hv been like more and more officers coming down for activity cos....
dunno.... maybe they dun trust us or wat.... but i myself thinks tat we current batch of NCOs have not done many. lets start from the top.

chairman, hadrian: NOAs have been out late so officers gua gua jiao. i know he tried to change but like wed then sent out NOA to all, its still a bit late. heard from jingwei tat he hv been pushing AJ to him and yijing to do cos he hv to do some draft NOA then no time. but he keep saying he got time for dota. dunno wats his prob.
vice-chair(ops), yijing: i think yijing is reali trying to push up the standards. so far all the scoldings have been done by him. so maybe his the few tat trying their best. nth much to say about him but noe tat he is doing his job well.
vice-chair(training), jingwei: well. jingwei is sometimes a bit playful so maybe will slack a bit wif his jobs but i think he completes his job tat is dedicated to him. it will be better if he is less playful and maybe a bit more serious.

overall i think tat the 2 vice-chairs are better than others.

admin dept, jieyang, daniel and ding zhi: the admin dept hv been... well... expected to fall when dingzhi was the admin head. he's always complaining tat he got many things to do but i hear is he compile 5 activities then update at one time. of course many things lahz. if he had just update every activity then tis may not hv happen. so he drop from head admin to asst. jieyang to admin. so now he admin things are getting better. so i can say tat he is doing is job. daniel is improving though he used to not attend activity. now he does his jobs and did a gd job for the cca maze. tats for admin.

log dept. nich goh, jeremy and hongyi: well log is actually nth much. they prepared the items needed for activity pack the store blah blah blah. all sai kang they do. so quite ok.

CPBS, PD, andrew, amos: amos a bit slack slack lahz. maybe not a bit but alot. maybe tis dept nth much to do so he did nth much so nth can go wrong lahz. tis dept i nth much to say cos like nth de.

now training.

footdrill, daryl: a lot dun wan him FD head lahz but no choice. we think tat his FD本身is cannot make it oso so how to teach the cadets? hope he can do smth about it.

TOC, andrew: he got the knowledge lahz so can teach. but like veri little TOC so i dunno much about it.


First aid, me and ivan: well i think i hv veri lousy time management. although FA lesson is like one half hour but l feel like the cadets dun learn alot. my lessons are oso boring. i know ivan got try to make lesson interesting. i hv to say both of us handed lesson plans on time so its ok lahz. didnt affect much for the planning of activity. and maybe i hv been taking note of minor things instead so i hv to improve on them. have to find a better way of teaching and improve on my time management. but i hv been trying my best le.

everyone: i think tat all of us are quite slack wif the cadets tats why the discipline and training standards hv been dropping. think we ought to do smth about it. we oso tekan a lot becos of tis lahz. so reali reali reali reali must do smth about it.

so tats about it. with the remaining last few mths, lets work together and try to improve these issues to the best of our ability. with great power comes great responsibility. how true it is although we dun exactly hv great powers... u all noe wat i mean....

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CCA maze
Sunday, January 13, 2008
well. found time at last.
but not exactly found time.
just dun feel like doing sch hw though hv to hand up 2molo.
dun care.

yijing or hadrian. one of them not sure who...
wanted NCOs to come at 6.30am.
so early got bus meh...
so... fri slept in sch.
was quite a new experience.
slping in the sj store.
quite comfortable oso.

so sat cca maze.
first i hv to say.
a job well done to MSHSJAB members.
yesterday was quite smooth.
n everyone did their best to attract ppl to join st john.
so. GD JOB!!!
especially the ppl in the fancy drill team.
u all did a great job yesterday in the show case.
though some cock-up but nvm.
so we sort of like got 32 ppl 'registered' wif us.
but u noe... the no will go down like dunno wat.
maybe onli 10+out of tis 32 will join us onli.
i oso shout until a bit bo sia liao....
eating strepsils like dunno wat.....

after tat is comp training. 1st training of the yr.
think we did not bad at the 1st training.
cos i use to be no.2 but now i no.4
so got different things to do.
wil get used to it ASAP.
tis yr's target?
2 nat comp champion.
so after comp training everyone was damn tired.
go home.

but go planned my time properly liao.
if not reali no time to study le....

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SSGT promo....
Saturday, January 5, 2008
2day is SSGT promo test.
yup. means its for us.
however, heard tat even if u pass the test oso might not promote
so shldnt put my hopes too high.

so shall talk about the test.
they say reach sch at 7 for some briefing but....
go there do nth until going to 8 then got officers come talk to us.
talk to us for wat? cos we nv greet them then tio pump.
win liao lor..... anyways.... its our fault.....
after tat then briefing.... then wan us come so early for wat.....
can slp more dun wan.....
so did footdrill 1st then short case then long case.
overall wasnt too difficult. but heard tat alot immediate fail.
short case was a person wif heat exhaustion n right arm close fracture.
tis case onli 5 pass. the 5 are.....
joson chong. ke jingwei. lee yijing. andrew low. ivan lee.
hip hip hurray!!! congratz!!!
long case was accident then person choking cardiac arrest cardiogenic shock.
but case history a bit funny. drive car then accident then choke fishball. haha
for tis case. we dunno anything but heard alot of failure oso.
hope im not one of them. didnt reali did well for tis case.
so footdrill. was ok lahz. got a bit screw up. but there still 2ppl who got full marks for tis.
so congratz to them.
so tat was my SSGT promo test.
lets hope tat some of us can be promoted.

after tat was CPL re-test.
some of them did the case quite ok.
but others is like CMI.
i see liao.... wa lao.... wats wrong wif them....
some of them do weird weird things. veri funny.
was laughing there lahz.
but seeing them do those cases, feel tat maybe i didnt do a gd job as the FA head.
hiaz... must think of some way to push up the standard b4 passing-out...
some of them seriously cannot make it.....

then i go feng shan CC. go there do wat?
collect money $$$ collect merit busary.
go there didnt see anyone i noe. so bored. sit there clap hands n nth more.
so collect le faster zhao. boring me sia.
but yeah!!! at least got money to spend.
so sit there do nth oso dun mind lahz. haha.

anyways.... to all other NCOs of mshsjab.
19th jan got corps meeting. all nid attend. dun forget.
like got some tua pai officers coming oso lahz....


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screw up.....
Friday, January 4, 2008
2day is like wth.... damn screw up lahz....
1) projector dunno y cannot work(like i
2) hadrian left the stupid food box in store then tio scolded veri badly by kahmeng sir.
3) scolded by jiacai sir cos we are the lousiest batch of NCOs he ever seen.kena scolded until damn cham. he scold til sore throat. do punishments in the rain. 1st time.
4) on my way home, threw a empty cup in a potted plant. then dennis koh nv zhao still there lahz. WTH!!!! then tio scolded by him... monday nid see him outside his office at 7.30am SHARP. wonder wat he will do.... hope he forget about 2day.
so 2day is like..... cock up..... just not my day.....

so.... sch re-open le.... tchers doesnt seems to be asking for hol hw.... so we shall just keep quiet.
shh!!!! tis is to the benefit of those hu didnt do their hol hw.
of course. im not one of them. i so guai. how to nv do....
aiya. since sch re-open, onli 2day not my day.
like cock lahz..... kaoz......

got change a few tchers. all still ok except for one.
my form tcher n chem tcher.
who are the same person lahz.
who is the same as last yr.
another cockster.
shh!!! dun tell her.

2molo got SSGT promo test. hope to pass it.
wish me luck.

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2008 whee!!!! sch 2molo.....
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
so hi everyone!!
did all of u all enjoyed ur last day of 2007?
its onli once in a lifetime opportunity...
so hv to reali go enjoy it if not jiu no chance le.

hiaz.. so here come 2008.
a brand new year for us.
a tough year for sec 4s.
poor me. a mugging yr...
but.... u noe me....
might not be always studying....
but... still have to start studying....
at least a bit 1st.
kahmeng say until like veri cham....
dunno real or not...
he said sec 4 yr no tv no going out no com no tis no tat de...
this is reality.... ok.... tats wat he said....

so sec 4 le... hv to reali study hard....
although O level can take a lot of time i think......
but better one time jiu gao dim if not hv to every yr sec 4...
nah... then dun wan....

2molo sch le. go sch do wat?
listen to tat baldy talk n talk n talk.
do wat? nth but hear him talk.
maybe not him onli.
cos our sch got tchers like mr kwok.
n some other tchers like mr dennis koh n mrs maria koh will oso talk.
shld be... tats wat they like to do at the start of yr.
talk n talk n talk......

watever.... i noe go sch waste time onli.
but thx to tis talking session,
we hv a extra day to chiong our hol hw.
maybe tats the onli gd point. haha.
think shld go slp now....
later 2molo cannot wake up then cham ar....

wishing all sec 4s a wonderful 2008
wonderful time studying for O level
n wonderful time playing after O level.
which is like still quite long lahz.....

HAPPY 2008 TO ALL!!! YEAH!!!

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title: close to you
best viewed: firefox
name: Joson Chong,張俊生
sch: maris stella high sch
age: 15~16

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