flag day.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
tired 2day.
back from flag day.
went to bedok.
with sec 4s: me jeremy(jerots) jieyang
sec 3s: marc(cram) juehong
sec 2s: maverick eng kiat bin koon
sec 1s: matthew farhan

met at bedok at 7am.
went mac eat breakfast.
then go opposite TJ.
the ppl there veri kind always donate de
but too little ppl.
move around bedok.
opposite TJ, central and bedok reservoir sheng shiong

so nth much to say lahz.
flag day onli ma...
every yr oso the same.
but kena complain by the cleaner.
say wat we asking donations there
then the floor alot of the stickers.
stupid de lahz.

went back to HQ at 4.10pm
tats when things got kinda screwed up.
count and count still got 2 license missing.
sec 1 stomach ache nv come.
and andrew left the other license in his uniform coat.....
so ok lahz. at last all found back.

wat i learnt from tis flag day.
morning must go opp TJ de market.
afternoon cannot stay at bedok.
and singaporeans can be reali rude at times.

so now... damn tired.
2molo still must go HQ early to count money.
hope we get the highest amount.
but wif ppl like darmawan at tampines
whose tin is like damn heavy
and also a record of top 3 collectors for 2yrs
and jingwei at amk who uses 2tins.
hard to win.

i think i shld go slp now....
in case 2molo count wrong amt of money.
hmm.... ya i think i shld...

me: aunty 要不要捐钱?
aunty: 没有feeling啊。
me: ...... ok.......

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day b4 gd friday
Thursday, March 20, 2008
2day is maundy thursday(is it how u spell it?)
the day b4 gd friday.

as a catholic sch,
there is mass is sch 2day.
compare to past yrs,
feel tat tis yr's mass is better,
more interesting.
so becos of mass miss eng lesson.

then chem. one period then go health check.
nurse said i growing veri well. lol
in the end found out my height is 172.1cm
sch taken was 173. make me damn sad. not tall enuff.
weight is 68kg. sch take is 65kg. sianz.
must start working.

recess. go library report the book hv missing pages.
again lahz. like so retarted. always tio those spoilt books.
then the librarian say i veri gd. report the book spoil.
lol. so didnt hv much recess oso.

physics. ms goh suddenly no voice. lol.
so she cannot talk. so did our own revision then test.
think i did ok. but though i always think i did ok.
results come out no ok.

maths. mr wu come in look angry. dunno why.
so class a bit more guai.
lesson lesson lesson. end at 1.50.
then went makan did play cards until AC team come for training.
so did FD but they damn naughty.
nv do properly de.

4.30pm. km came down.
like bao gong like tat. the face so black.
he look so angry. dunno why oso.
so dun wan irritate him more so continue wif my own training.
hope juehong michael xavier chengding can take the training seriously.

at about 6.30 we left sch for toa payoh
wan watch movie then dun wan cos too late.
then we bluff nich goh say we still watching then ask him come down.
then we feel bad so watch movie.
watch semi-pro. spastic show.
like balls of fury. but quite funny lahz.
laughing most of the time.
cos tat guy seriously damn spastic.
then lauren and jingwei suay suay kena caught for bring mac into cinema.
then the stupid fat women kao bei.
so no mac for them during movie.

finish is about 9.20pm
reach home about 10.00
2molo got store cleaning.
so sianz. dunno why like keep cleaning sia.
must go slp then get energy to clean.

scrub here scrub there scrub everywhere
wash here wash there wash everywhere
spray here spray there spray everywhere.


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sch 2molo...
Sunday, March 16, 2008
so sianz....
2molo sch le....
sj burn out so much of the hol
and make it seems so short
but looking back 2day, the week seems long
wif all the morning tat i hv.

2molo got sch le.
means GEP oso will start.
means out of 10days
i will be going home late at most of the days.
sianz. but nvm.
for the O's at the end of the yr
i will tahan!!!! jiayou.

anyways. 2day is just a typical sunday.
tuition and tuition.
nth much. think i did ok wif km tat test lor.
didnt reali study much and wif his strict markings
i still can pass. yeah.
and kevin dunno y overseas.
2molo then come back.
he say some family matters.
so..... he got extra a day of hol!!!
no fair!!!! lol.

recently knew of a website.
veri fun. can play dai di online.
and mahjong.
yup. so recently was playing at tis web.
but will play onli if i am free.
study still more impt.

anyways. shld be preparing for sch le.
then slp early. 2molo wake up early.
for those who dun usually slp early,
u shld noe hu u are,
an advice from me.
slp early. slp more.
at tis age shld slp more.
can oso concentrate better in class.
everything will be better wif more slp
next time sure got no time slp de.
trust me.
though i not lao ren exactly.
but... u noe wat i mean.
anyways just being random.
shld start preparing for sch 2molo.
see u guys 2molo. :)


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chem spa
Friday, March 14, 2008
2day was chem spa.
think i did ok.
but sch de always screwed up
so think i screwed up oso.

went to sch early at 8 though spa was 10.30am
went for sj.
was shocked by the attendance.
sec 1:10(still ok)
sec 2:1!!!(erwin, shocked? 5 at comp training)
sec 3:3( 4 at comp training)
so dunno activity for wat....
go there actually wan study
then dexian keep talking about NYJC
keep talking about the girls there.
say wat this chio bu tat chio bu.
then psycho us to go NY. lol

no nid psycho me lahz.
NY is in one of my targeted sch after TJ :)
so in the end oso didnt study much.

after was chem spa.
shall not talk about it.
or shld i say cannot talk about it.
its confidential.

then go eat lunch.
actually wan go food fair but km end so late.
so nv.
go toa payoh. ate subway.
then go zhan hui hse.
wif lauren jingwei marc tandy yijing.
play risk.
i kena own. cos tio gang by tandy n yijing :(

went home at 4.30.
reach home. then i went swimming!!!
dunno why oso. lol.
then the water oso damn damn cold.
ate dinner.
study diagnosis.
jiacai sir. see. i got read can. reali lor.

2molo still got comp training.
sj burn out like more than half of my hols lahz.
making tis week seems so short.
so oso not much time to study
but maybe is i nv manage my time properly.
i got lousy time management de.

hw? still got amaths n physics.
think 2molo then do. still got km tuition class hw.
sianz. like kena drowned by hw.
but i think compared wif other ppl mine might seems little.
for O levels at the end of the yr,
i will work hard to go to TJ.
why? cos near my hse....
ok. jiayou.
hope O's faster come.
then can slack earlier.

though 2day seems to be a slack day
actually not seems. it is a slack day
but dunno why now feel tired liao.
sch re-opening again.
the tot of it sianz me off liao.
less slp. less time for everything.


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Wednesday, March 12, 2008
woohoo!!! happy birthday to u kevin!!!

today kevin darmawan's birthday.
morning i got tuition so joined them in the afternoon.
then go sch do test by km and blah blah....
after that everyone肚子饿
then cannot decide where to eat cos kevin treating :)
at first was crystal jade.
then cafe cartell.
so in the end go cafe cartell
me kevin jingwei km timothy marc and juehong
took very long time to choose wat to eat.
cos we 'felt' guilty for eating so ex.
but in the end dun care just order.
bill? $128.++ so we paid the $28.++
and kevin paid $100
then we buy cake for him.
so nice of us lahz. lol
bought mango cheese cake.
take very long to choose oso cos he dunno wat cake he wan
then go kevin hse.
played dai di
tot i won $0.10
but is actually lose $0.10... lol
then sing song.
took some photos.

mango cheese cake.

birthday boy.
can watch NC 16 movies liao leh

spastic photo.
everyone imitating jonathan from sec 2 squad.

best of friends!!!
too bad no yijing....

proper group photo.
no spastic-ness.

guess who?
its marc selamat!!!

the rest of the photos are the passing of cake ceremony
impt u noe.
if he dun give us the cake we cannot eat lor.
and the cake is nice can.
lazy to upload cos taking a veri long time.
but must show tis.
the middle guy spastic rite?
damn 故意 lahz.
the rest? lazy upload. lol
birthday is once a yr onli.
so must hv fun.
hope u enjoy ur day kevin!!!

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008
back from CTC, comp training camp.
was... sianz lahz...
tot was smth like last yr but no no....
so sianz.... lol
maybe becos day camp onli so more training...
just dun understand....
why NPCC and NCC can stay while we cant...
is the sch biased?
they say becos they scared mas selamat
but MSHS is the last place he will come lahz
like just opposite gurka camp onli lahz
then why NPCC and NCC can stay?
if mas selamat were to come even wif TIC
they cannot do anything oso....
hate to say it but the sch seems biased tis time.
ok about the camp.

fri book in at 2.3opm supposedly
but got PTM so went late. pon abit lahz.
details about PTM, will not mention about it.
so fri onli training. then they say end 6.30pm
then dragged until about 7.30pm...
always like tis.
then went alex hse.
was fun. slept at 1.00am
played dai di.
sadly all lose money except km.

sat. woke up at 6.45am
go sch. then training until 12.
then go joo seng prime supermarket buy food.
for cooking competition.
and guess wat? we won!!! lol.
after that was mock mock comp.
david sir came then got alot things different from jiacai sir.
then AC3 down there laughing so loudly.
dunno why oso. cos was slping so miss the joke.
end quite zhun on sat. about 6.30-7.00pm
went alex hse again. tis time wif yongzhi.
played dai di oso.
yijing lose $3.10 in one game. lol.
i lose $0.10. lol.
then played risk.
yijing then anti social play com.
risk i almost won but all tired so slept. about 1+ oso
then km and yijing like sick so went slp
yongzhi suay slept in b/w the beds so got hole.
cannot slp properly. lol

sun. wake up same time.
go sch then training again.
afternoon field cooking. after that training.
then play games. so similar like last yr but still quite fun.
especially the make-up game. sry yongzhi.
then i kena from alex. put dunno wat jelly on my forehead.
after tat bathe in sch then went dinner at crystal jade.
wif km jingwei yijing and yongzhi.
go home. too tired. fell aslp immediately.

so comp training camp was overall not tat fun.
more training which sianz-nified the whole thing.
unless last yr where there was more fun.
but all this training is to ensure four champ.
2for ZFAC on 1st june and 2 for NFAC in july.
so.. hope we win it :)

jiayou jiayou jiayou.

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008
went to tis web from daniel tam/jasdero blog
did the quiz and.....

Congratulations on making Gryffindor!
Basically, you're brave, daring, chivalrous, and pretty much.. an all around good person. Of course, some see you as a goodie-two-shoes. But hey, it's true! You're really good at winning, and normally always come out as the hero. Everybody likes you.. except, maybe, the Slytherins. You're too perfect. No, really.. You're too perfect. It's annoying to watch you win, repeatedly. Oh well. Be proud anyway.

Gryffindors to Remember:
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
The whole Weasley family
Hermione Granger
Albus Dumbledore

the description like... abit.....
dunno leh...
doesnt seems me though....
but its cool to be in gryffindor

anyway.... sch hols is coming.
but fri camp.
quite excited about it though.
can take a break from sch and stuffs.

cos nth to do so come here post post a bit.
but actually is type w/o going thru my head.
so maybe veri random...

nth much oso lahz.
just come here for fun.

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Monday, March 3, 2008
shall keep this short.
wun be posting about last week
cos it seems to be a veri short week
dunno why...
plus i sick somemore...

and they pang seh me go watch movie....
cos i sick....
wat kind of friends....
cannot w8 a few days meh...
makes the week worse.....

Attention: Lucky Winner‏
2008 Irish National Lottery (fmccqmf@bellnet.ca)
You may not know this sender.
Mark as safeMark as unsafe
Monday, March 03, 2008 7:18:13 PM
Ref: UK/9420X2/68
Batch: 074/05/ZY369
You have been approved for a lump sum pay out of £1.350 Million incash
To claim your prize it is important that you acknowledge your receipt
of this correspondence.
Dr Anthony Chognot

receive this mail a few times le.
any comments?
if reali got such thing must tell me hor.
1.35 million leh... dun play play..

yeah!!! hol coming in 4days!!! woohoo

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title: close to you
best viewed: firefox
name: Joson Chong,張俊生
sch: maris stella high sch
age: 15~16

chitter chatter

they long to be
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  • kahmeng
  • jue hong
  • pohwei
  • nich goh
  • jingwei
  • daniel tam
  • dexian
  • cheungweng
  • aaron seah
  • nick chiam
  • melvin wah
  • watson tan
  • 4F'08
  • siying
  • louiza
  • yingying
  • huibing
  • mshs humanities

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