eve of competition
Saturday, May 31, 2008
the day has arrived.
just a few more hours and i will be there
competiting wif my team mates against other teams
w/o any help.
all on our own.

so tis yr we send four teams
like one of the most.
AC1: timothy yongzhi alex marc yanssen
AC2: binkoon nicholas aaron hanyang eugene
AA1: willis weeliang jingwei me yijing
AA2: michael zhengan chengding juehong
all got potential de.
we are so going to clinch both champs.
high chance.... i think.....
if we dun screw up tat is......

so 2day.
morning training. prep talk. usual stuffs.
ended training early and went to kovan.
me jingwei kahmeng yijing bowled
while the rest arcade.
and i bowled a score of 143.
one of my highest few. haha.
so after tat went home.
bathed polish boots.
and now here.

anyways. 2nd time competiting
but different category.
hope we can win it tis time.
keeps our fingers cross.......
wish me luck!! :)

gd luck to all the teams participating,
may the best team win.

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Thursday, May 29, 2008
3 more days to comp
counting down.....

so 2day nick's birthday.
happy birthday!!!!
went to eat at yuki yaki at marina square.
a buffet like seoul garden
cost $19.15. ate til quite full
until now still full...

took bus there then.... eat or u wan
cos its a buffet we oso not ke qi.
especially alvin jermaine watson n leslie.
wat they took can like feed 6ppl.
almost cannot finish.
but its buffet, 不吃白不吃

especially watson. was like making so much noise lahz.
then damn pai seh cos everyone was like looking at us.
dunno him liao.....
but nick though birthday boy look sianz sianz one >.<
eat until almost explode but too bad no ice-cream.
took some pics too.
all wif lenny.
send us if got the time.

anyways. shldnt be here but i do physics until damn sianz.
tats why i am here taking a break......

i got damn wierd feeling. i wan to win the comp and oso dun wan to win the comp. why is tis so?

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counting down
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
counting down to the big day.
so its just like.....
4 more days to sunday?
heard tat other teams are busy training.
whether is it own sch or other sch
i think tis last few days of training are impt.
but as u noe us AA team.
now no.1 exams so training cut.
but wan train ourselves oso no mood.
then dunno how.
so effective we are onli left wif 2 trainings.
fri and sat. dunno got any help or not.
just hope we win smth.

having been receiving wierd mails recently.
all saying tat i win some money
and all the money are huge amount.
so if they were ALL real
and i received like nearly 20 of them?
and i replied to them and got the money
i can just leave sch and live off tat amount of money
no nid study and worry no money.
but nowadays so many scams
how to believe them?

2molo will be a long day for me.
going out wif almost the whole class?
but dunno going where.
anyone know of macdonald buffet?

hols are packed wif studying and hws and sch.......
and well..... starting to get used to it.
sec 4=no life.

anyone noe where to download movies for free? and the movies are in good quality. tell me if u noe. thx.

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long day...
Sunday, May 25, 2008
2day is a long day.
attended tuitions and going to expo
with jingwei kahmeng and darmawan
as normal yijing pang seh us...

went to the food fair.
tis time like go more free sample.
so here try abit there try abit
then buy abit jiu full liao.
the food was quite nice.
so quite enjoying.

then tried finding the adidas fair.
but cannot find.
up to 70% discount leh.....
damn wasted lahz

then go popular fair.
buy some chem books.
cheaper than outside popular by $3?
quite alot lahz.

so.... 2molo is a big day for some.
its the 'O' level chinese exams.
well. hope they did prepare well for it.
if they got wat they wanted
then they will hv 1less sub to study
tats kinda good
given tat we got 7-8 subs to study.

becos of tat
we HCL ppl do not hv to go sch.
so hv to make use of the time to study.
study study study......
no life......
nvm. i am going to get some life out of no life.

cant w8 for hols.
maybe 2 chalets to attend
yeah!!! gonna be fun.

so going to be 10.30pm
going to watch van helsing.

gd luck to all taking the 'O' level chinese 2molo :0)

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Saturday, May 24, 2008
impt date for many of us
ppl in SJAB zone 10
which is just a week away.

so competition is coming.
though went last yr
but still a bit nervous ba
u can say tat
although i dun look nervous on the outside
maybe cos tis yr in a different category
nid more knowledge of first aid
and training not as much as last yr.
quite enjoy tis yr's training.
keep playing bball de.
so fun.

last yr was the first time going to comp
but we got 3rd.
didnt like tat.......
so tis yr.....
wan to win but wat jia cai sir say about us
is like veri hard to win....

anyways just hope we can win.
dun feel like losing again.
lose liao will veri sianz one.


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high school musical on ice tour
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
hi everyone.
hv to congratz myself.
actually go make a study plan which started 2day.
so far still can stick to it lahz.
but i dunno about 以后....

anyways saw the advertisment
of high school musical on ice
its at the s'pore expo
form 5th aug to 10 aug.
anyone interested to go?
pls pls pls?
i wan go....

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Vesak day
Monday, May 19, 2008
so 2day vesak day
a day for buddhist
a public holiday for the rest

so 2day went to pasir ris mrt to meet nick
met him at 10.15am then we go his hse.
had my first guitar lesson 2day
nick being my tcher
his quite gd lahz. quite patient.
but now my finger aching....
teaching half way reginald came
being reg, u will noe he is late.
so he took a cab down o.O
rich person. but huo gai hu ask him overslp.

so practice and learn until 1.30.
went down to meet nick and reg friend
joseph from 4G.
then ate lunch and nick taught joseph the guitar too.
then went to samual shing hse to play at 3.30pm
took a cab down...

at samual's hse.
saw many ppl. like got party like tat.
we played mahjong
winner was reg. won like $10+ lahz.
i lost 80 cents cos played 2 rounds onli.
then went down played bball.
left samual hse at 6pm.

so 2day had my 1st guitar lesson.
expected my fingers hurt after tat.
was quite fun. starting to like playing the guitar.
and nick like planned nice nice liao lahz.
after learning from, learn from jialiang
then learn from jermaine.
then i will be like some damn pro guitarist
after all the lessons.....
but tats still a long way to go.....
thx nick for the lessons.
u are great.

down down up up down
down down up up down

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Friday, May 16, 2008
so its been a week after the exams.
ms goh said we shld start studying now again.
but i like dun hv the mood to study sia....
dunno why.... but will try...

so tis week we got back results.
1 C6, 1 C5, 2 B4 and 3B3
sounds gd? L1R5 22...
like so f***ed up......
did the papers and felt quite ok
but come back tis shit results
of course we are not talking about eng here.
knew tat i wun do quite gd for eng cos of oral.
everyone was saying tat still got prelim 2
so dun worry...
but how to not worry....
i now feel kan jiong liao leh....
somebody help me....

anyways... hv to start studying soon.
ms goh oso planned out study plans for us during hols.
and its scary.
8-12 study
12-2 lunch+rest
2-6 study
6-8 dinner+rest
8-10 study
10 hrs of study....
see liao oso sianz...
so dun talk about doing it...
but will try my best to study........

i noe now say oso useless
must do then got use.
so............ just try lor....

2molo comp training again.
so missed power rangers, doraemon, hannah montana, pokemon
sianz lahz....
hope can get entertain during soccer comp :p

anyways. got nick to teach me play the guitar.
cant wait :)

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mother's day
Monday, May 12, 2008
so yesterday was mother's day.
went to jack's place and hv dinner.
cost me over $80
for my share, my sis share and my mum share.
so i paid for it.
enjoyed ourselves alot.

so after tat went some shopping.
my sis bought my mum earrings and necklace
which cost about $20.
then she psycho my mum to buy ipod touch for her.
surprisingly my mum sort agreed half-heartedly
and my dad said ok too.
and she promised alot of bullshit.
like she will keep her room tidy blah blah blah
i think is crap.
she will keep it tidy for a while.
then after tat will be back to normal again.....
so spend $498 on tat.
my sis was the happiest yesterday
despite being mother's day
and my mother shld be happiest....

2day was chem spa.
quite ok ba i think.
but damn crap go sch 1hr just for tat paper.
why cant they just put it last thu? .....
after play bball for about an hour.
damn tired....

came home. dunno wat to do.
wan watch suite life of zack and cody
but youtube dun hv episode 4 onwards.
so was sort of stuck.
then fiddled wif my PSP
took quite long wif it.
to do smth about the songs.
after tat watch tc again....

now? dunno wat to do.....
now go slack wait til times up and watch tv again.
tv rox man

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end of exams!!!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
so.... thu we ended our prelim 1.
wif chinese/higher chinese paper 2 and 3.
so was quite happy. yeah can slack a bit more le.
so we went to watch iron man after tat at marina square
iron man is quite a nice movie
think its better than forbidden kingdom in terms of storyline
but i prefer forbidden kingdom's action.
so spend my afternoon after exams around cityhall.
at night just watch tv keep myself occupied.

fri. no sch cos no paper.
so spend my time at home.
watch hannah montana and chiong finish the season 1.
then sianz liao dun wan continue season 2.
so nth to do. went to tampines mall on my own.
go walk walk see see to kill time.
met a few pri sch friends.
not same class. surprised they still rmb me.
cos we different class and we onli know each other thru the prefectorial board.
at night spend it infront of the tv again

sat. morning went training.
so i miss doramon, pokemon, power ranger and hannah montana
afternoon forget wat i did.
think i studied for chem spa.
and i planned wat shows to watch after O.
then started watching suite life of zack and cody.
then at night i watch tv from 7.30pm to 12midnight.
wat 碧血剑for half hour
then high sch musical 2 to about 10
then watch doom til 12.
quite nice lahz the shows.

today. mothers' day.
happy mothers' day to all mothers out there.
morning nth much.
watch suite life of zack and cody.
afternoon tuition and now here i am.
later going out for dinner.
now go watch suite life of zack and cody.

i love disney channel shows!!

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Sunday, May 4, 2008
wa jia lat...
yesterday say wan read SS but in the end nv read at all.
wait til night then watch 碧血剑
so nv reali read lor....
but i oso dunno wat to read leh
and no mood to read.
now like on slacking mode.....

2day just some normal sunday.
nth special or wat.
so wun talk much about it.
just later must change to study mode
go read SS or do a bit of A.maths lor.

anyways. changed the song.
one of my favourites from the hannah montana songs.
said by sombody i dunno:

Love the tune, love the lyrics, love the singer, love her voice
couldnt agree anymore....
so heres the lyrics. enjoy.

One In A Million

How did I get here
I turned around and there you were
Didn't think twice or rationalize
Cause somehow I knew
That there was more that just chemistry
I mean I knew you were kind of into me
But I figured it's too good to be true

I said pinch me, where's the catch this time
Can't find a single cloud in the sky
Help me before I get use to this guy

They say that good things take time
But really great things happen in a blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one
I can't believe it
Oooh Ohhhh Ooh Ohhh Ooooh
You're one in a million

All this time I was lookin' for love
Try'n to make things work that wasn't good enough
Til' I thought I'm through
Said I'm done
Then stumbled into the arms of the one

You're making me laugh about the silliest stuff
Say that I'm your diamond in the rough
When I'm mad at you, you come with your velvet touch

Can't believe that I'm so lucky
I have never felt so happy
Every time I see that sparkle in your eyes

They say that good things take time
But really great things happen in a blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one
I can't believe it
Oh Oooh Ohhhhhhhhhhh
You're one in a million

(yeah yeah)
All this time I was lookin' for love
Try'n to make things work that wasn't good enough
Til' I thought I'm through
Said I'm done
Then stumbled into the arms of the one

I said pinch me wheres the catch this time
Can't find a single cloud in the sky
Help me before I get used to this guy

They say that good things take time
But really great things happen in a blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one
I can't believe it
Ohh ohhhh
Yeah yeah

They say that good things take time
But really great things happen in a blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one
I can't believe it
You're one in a million
You're one in a million
You're one in a million

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slacking time!!!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
3 more days to end of prelim 1s.
though there is still 3 more papers but i already started slacking :p
haha. so left wif SS A.maths and chinese paper 2.
hope dun screw up.
cos the papers so far still quite ok.
except E.maths. do until piss off.
finish paper 1 in less than an hour.
tot will hv time to check.
but wif more than 1.5 hrs i could not finish paper 2.
like so stupid lahz. see the qns then think damn hard.
cannot do. wa then piss off. then cannot think properly liao.
but maybe lucky still can get A ba... hope so....
and geog oso. couldnt rmb. hope can score oso.
then the rest still ok lahz.

recently. got addicted to hannah montana.
dunno why oso. haha
watch the shows and keep listening to the songs.
but is nice lahz. tats wat i think
kevin i noe u going to say smth
dun even bother.
just shh!!!

but the show is like damn funny lahz.
maybe cos i no cable tv so no disney channel
then onli watch kidscentral show
so may find disney channel shows nicer.
always veri jealous those who hv disney channel.
cos disney channel always hv nice shows
and for tv addicts like me its like damn nice.
and the songs are quite nice oso
the soundtracks.
and the cast oso.
theres Miley Cyrus Emily Osment Mitchel Musso Jason Earles Billy Ray Cyrus
Miley Cyrus- Hannah Montana/ Miley Stewart
Emily Osment- Lilly Truscott/ Lola
Mitchel Musso- Oliver Oken
Jason Earles- Jackson Stewart
Billy Ray Cyrus- Robby Stewart.

tat Jackson is damn funny in the show.
anyways. its a nice show lahz.
anyone who wan watch it
can watch it at every sat on kidscentral at 11.30am.
its quite nice lahz.
and funny.

now playing games wif KD
after tat going study SS abit.
must do well man....

once again, hannah montana had made this world a better place for love.
from today's episode.

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title: close to you
best viewed: firefox
name: Joson Chong,張俊生
sch: maris stella high sch
age: 15~16

chitter chatter

they long to be
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  • kahmeng
  • jue hong
  • pohwei
  • nich goh
  • jingwei
  • daniel tam
  • dexian
  • cheungweng
  • aaron seah
  • nick chiam
  • melvin wah
  • watson tan
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  • louiza
  • yingying
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