chief commisioner badge
Saturday, June 28, 2008
28th june. the day i hv been waiting for. went to collect the chief commisioner badge, which gives me an additional 5 points to my CCA records, also at the same time contributes to the corps CAA.

was told to report there at 8am, but the presentation starts at 10am. so u must be wondering why we were there 2 hrs earlier. then let me tell you this. we were there at 8am to do work, arranging the chairs for the presentation. when i reached HQ, it was empty and i thought i went to the wrong place. subsequently i only see ppl from zone 10. then after that was told to go to the hall, so thought that other zones were in the hall. went up and what faces us was an empty hall and many stacks of chairs. i was wondering to myself: are we suppose to move the chairs and arranged them? and i hit the bulleyes. then was wondering to myself again: why is it zone 10 doing all these jobs? other zones cant help or smth? soon, it was 10am then the presentation start. nth much, just tat we clap alot. *clap clap clap clap clap* then end. took photos and left HQ with the chief commisioner badge. haha.

went lunch after that with dexian jingwei yijing and kevin. think kevin went bugis, jingwei yijing dexian went back to sch and i went tuition. so tats practically what happens today.

130708 is approaching nearer by each day. think they are thinking of winning too much. and they used to tell me that competition is not all about winning. look at my training schedule for next week. wed: 1530-1800, thu 1530-1900. seems ok? then now look at this. sat: 0800-1800 ?!?!?! like wat the hell.... 10 hrs of training, train wat shit sia.... i think train half way will just die there.... or go play basketball. and confirm cannot find casualties that is as crazy as him to stay for 10hrs. dunno lahz. now see liao already damn sianz, so dun even talk about going. 10hrs of training is super long. i can use it to do other things instead.

on the bright side, my birthday and POP is also coming soon. if im not wrong shld be on friday or sat. smth to look forward to. an enjoyable weekend at the chalet, excluding the fact that i still have a 10hrs training to attend..... so yea..... hv much hw to do too.... crap.....

give a man a fish and it can last him for a day.
teach a man how to fish and it can last him a lifetime.
but what if the man lives in a desert?

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008
24th june, today, st john's day. a big day for all st johns members, so today is not just an ordinary tuesday.

reported at 6.45am change out to full uniform and did a uniform inspection for the cadets and had a last minute rehearsal for the sake of those who didnt go for the training yesterday. was the parade commander today haha. happy to be the commander. sort of like the last big project/parade to do. then 7.30am. fall-in at the brother chanel courtyard and wait for the parade to start. i was waiting upstairs, super 紧张 can. can feel my heart beating.

then bell ring. did the parade. blah blah blah.... usual stuffs so i shall skip it. then everyone when back to class and we had photo taking. then wore the full u the whole day. quite cool. can show off SSGT rank. haha. joking. i just feel proud to wear that uniform :D on the other hand. there is zero casualty for the parade, which is like much much lesser than NPCC and scouts. so gd job guys, especially the sec 1s since this is their first st john's day parade. i see light in them.... nvm... think im crapping now.

super tired now, have to wake up so early today. as i was super tired today, revision done? ZERO. sianz. must force myself to study 2molo since nth is done today. haiz... slp slp slp...

just one more time. thanks to all officers and cadets for making st john's day a success. just another point. can give me feedback on how i did today? thx.


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Sunday, June 22, 2008
time reali flies. one month of holidays just gone in a blink of an eye. today, 22th of june, last day of the june holidays.

recap on what i did in this holidays: study( 1 week +few days)
went to school for extra lessons(1 week)
st john related( about 3 weeks)
that shld be all? cant remember le. haha. only know that i was quite involved in st john stuffs such as ACNO, JTC, ZFAC and comp training. so, not much of studies done.

2molo will be the first day of sch, of a new semester. i am so going to work hard, but knowing me, i just say but will only do half of wat i say. lets just hope tat i will be able to study ~keep my fingers crossed~

st john day is coming in 2 days time and i will be the parade commander. dunno whether i can shout until so loud like leslie or not.... haha. so 2molo got some last min rehearsal/training. lets hope all goes well.

ok. shld go for dinner now and watch jurassic park: the lost world. think i watch it before cos its a movie that is quite long ago de. will watch it again. seems nice. haha


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Friday, June 20, 2008
so today is the 2nd of ANCO 08, an impt day for ANCO trainees, a day for their OOA and MOI assessment. well, basically there was nothing much for us section NCOs to do other than be timer during their MOI assessment and also mark on their daily assessment. so overall today is quite a slack day for everyone.

morning report le then started with their MOI after a little scolding from the DO. then stayed at the room being timers, watching the trainees present on their topics. quite well done i have to say for some people. the rest... not too bad... not too outstanding oso...

after that lunch came back then OOA presentation. PCs and NCOs not allowed in there so did daily assessment then slack til they end. practically this is wat happened today. so nth much. after tat dinner and now here i am at alex hse again. staying over tonight again as there is comp training 2molo. so sianz.....

this yr's ANCO was quite fun, especially with section 7. they are a bunch of gd people,veri fun to work wif. members include: huibing, elaine, siying, yongzhi, hao jie, desmond, yi ren, yingying, louiza and huixia. i actually have a great time working wif them. entertainer of the section: ms pikachu siying. haha she damn funny de. most ji xiao of the section: ***m*** and y***y***, not saying who they are..... so.....quite a fun time wif them. yup. didnt regret coming to ANCO. i wan a section gathering!! preferably after my 'O's ba.

talking about 'O's, its coming closer by the day. less time to study too. think i have to concentrate on studying after stjohn's day and nat comp le. no choice.... sianz... actually holiday plan to study de lor... but then not much is done. sianz.. 2molo still got comp training. tired....

slp slp slp slp slp slp slp slp slp

section 7 of ANCO 07 and ANCO 08 rocks!!!!

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ANCO 08 day1
Thursday, June 19, 2008
hi people. 2day is the first day of ANCO 08 and i am going as a section NCO. section 7's section NCO.

so there are still other people.
section 1 NCO: keng hui
section 2 NCO: ting xin
section 3 NCO: amelia
section 4 NCO: yijing
section 5 NCO: serene
section 6 NCO: lydia
section 7 NCO: me
section 8 NCO: kevin
logistics NCO: cheungweng and honglip
admin NCO: jeremy and laura
safety NCO: andrew and huiying
photographer: melissa
this shld be all. actually i dunno a few of them. haha

reported there at 8.30am and my job sort of started. officer brief us on what to do and we had an orientation around kranji secondary school. first time being there, so was super unsure of the place. think the school is smaller than MSHS, but looks big because of the soccer field. haha. so after that time is about 9am and the trainees fall-in, took attendance and they started wif their lessons. lessons on BF was kinda boring cos learnt it last yr but the lesson on self development was damn interesting and fun. haha. after that was lunch and came back for more lessons.

after lunch was lesson on presentation skills and communication skills. presentation skills was ok communication skills almost fell asleep. their lesson at AVA room, then there is aircon, somemore previous night helped the sec 3s with their lesson plan so ended slept at 2.30am. so was damn tired then almost fell asleep in hakim sir lesson. after that was feedback and debrief and they were dismissed.

went for dinner and back at alex hse. watching them prepare for their MOI and OOA assessment. nth much for me to do also as most of them had finish their lesson plan.

well. ANCO today was kinda slack. the trainees all were veri... how should i say it? hmm.... all not up to standard, especially my section. was so disappointed with them lahz. i thought they will be quite gd given their performance during their section meeting, but i thought wrong...... haiz..... hope they will buck up and pull up their socks tomorrow.

i will be fiercer 2molo than what i was today and fiercer than other section NCOs as well. muahahahaha. hope so lahz.....

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008
well, have not been writing about anything for the past few days so here is some updates.

so friday saturday and sunday was the corps june training camp. it was a new experience for me, first time going to a stjohn camp not as a trainee but to help. well, all i can say is many many sai kang done in tat three days. i realise that logistics is not easy :p. me pohwei and hadrian was doing logistics all the way. preparing for their lessons, meals and stuffs. haha. so we felt a bit weird initially, watching all the trainees being pumped while we were looking at them at one side. oh well.... this camp was fun for me. yea!!

father's day
so sunday was father's day. break camp was at 7pm but dragged til near 8. so was kinda late when i reached home. i didnt even know that my dad was back from overseas. so for my family we didnt celebrate father's day on sunday cos i wasnt back til like 10+pm and my parents were out for dinner too. so push the celebrating part to monday.
so monday went to cafe cartell for dinner. kindly paid by my sister :D its a long time since we are going out as a family since my dad is always overseas working. father's days of past few years was always without my dad, so.... i reali enjoyed myself with my family on monday. actually wanted to buy a pair of shoes for my dad but there were no suitable size, so did not buy it. however, my dad bought a pair of shoes for me, cos my shoes were like spoilt and i did not have the time to buy a new pair. so enjoyed myself reali much on monday.

so anco is coming. which means that holidays is coming to an end soon. well. all i can say is that not much revision done in this holidays. abit wasted but.... no regrets. i think i am going to have more fun from tomorrow til friday :D


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section 7 meeting<1>
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
ok. so today was section 7 of ANCO'08 first meeting. i have to say that i have a hard time locating them. they planned to meet at mac at plaza sing at 12nn. so i reached there at about 11.50, went in to mac walk around looking for them. then i realise something. i could not reali recognise their faces. so i walked one round in mac and out, not realising tat someone was inside?!?! cos i saw a girl sitting alone like waiting for someone, then she was like looking at me then i was like thinking is she from section7 and stuffs. actually she was hui bing lahz..... haha. like super funny lahz.... me yongzhi and yiren were outside wondering if she is section7 and stuffs. so waited a while then the rest arrived and they started the meeting.

well the meeting started and i see something. its always the same people giving ideas. thats not the way it should be guys. everyone should be giving ideas not some while the rest just sit there and listen. after a while something came out. it seems similar to last yr. very similar. then kahmeng arrived. 皇帝驾到!!! so hint hint abit and ~WOAH LA!!!~ a brand new idea. yeah!!! not like last yr le. the idea seems damn cool lahz. hope they win. hehe.

then go ka jiao marc's meeting. he 求救ask us to go save him. but his PC there so also didnt do much then went home. now waiting for minutes of meeting and notice of meeting.

2molo's program: tuition from 8-12
section meeting from 1-dunno
go ka jiao other section if there is any at plaza sing 2molo from dunno-dunno
pack bag for camp when reach home.
hahahahaha so little things to do. yeah!!!

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Sunday, June 8, 2008
wat i realise yesterday:

i think people should know when to keep their mouth shut and when to open their mouth and talk. it will save you from many trouble if you are able to do this.

anyways. bowling anyone during the last 2 weeks of hols? :)

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ANCO' 08
Saturday, June 7, 2008
think today is a crap day lahz
other than the ANCO briefing
was quite ok. think my section is quite ok.
other than tat the breifing was ok.
though the other NCOs didnt act like quite friendly wif NCOs.
haha. dunno why. tot we were suppose to know each other?
haha. anyways tats not the main point.
other than tat nth much.

then was training.
think i wasted my time there.
some ppl 背叛我
then damn crap.
so training was crap.
many things happened though.
onli the enjoyed the bball match after tat.
won 2/2 rounds. haha

haha didnt noe tat slping can be so shuang
slept from 7pm yesterday to 7am today.
haha. just being random....

shld now go back to studying mood.
cannot slack now. shall dedicate the whole day 2molo to study and hw.

anyways anyone wan play bowling during hols?
feel like playing though its kinda ex :(

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back from chalet
Friday, June 6, 2008
back from chalet.
damn tired....
didnt slp at all for the whole night.

so yesterday went to chalet.
met the rest at pasir ris mrt at 2pm
but waited for ms yeo to check in
then wait until like 3+?
like sianz-ing dunno do wat.
check in le then ppl started finding socket.
for wat? for PS2....
some went play soccer some play mahjong

then around 5+ they go rent bike.
rent overnight cost $15.
then ride ride a while then go back BBQ
the ppl are like willing to eat but not willing to cook lahz
so at the pit are always the same ppl
dunno how oso but we BBQ-ed all the way to like 10+ 11
then they 开桌mahjong again.
i was looking then went bowling wif leslie jarrel and hongkiat
damn screwed.... was like my lousiest score......
played til 2 then go back.
they still mahjong-ing and PS2-ing
some ppl were like lost in pasir ris park
so we bike and find them
so tats around 3 3+ le
then ms yeo cannot tahan le i think
she fell aslp on her chair
but she oso damn tokong
beside her mahjong infront her PS2
all so noisy she still can slp
though waking up a few times

came back gang gang hao samuel dun wan play
so i played for him mahjong.
in the end i won $3. haha.
so played til 6 then reg and MC go home.
they wanted watch sunrise so go find spot
and i biked a bit
but see nth...... tats about 7+
at around 8 they went swimming.
swam til like 9+ changed and check out

after tat go 'branch'
breakfast cum lunch
then went home.
was like nodding off when waiting for the bus.
just veri tired.........

not going to slp...... will onli slp 2nite.....

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home alone
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
now home alone....
so sianz lahz....
parents and sis went overseas
i cant go cos got lesson
so alone at home.
since mon to now.

then veri sianz.
dunno why after comp le still not in studying mood.
nth is done tis week lahz.
except sch hw.
so practically no revision done tis week.
so time wasted.....

cant wait for 2molo!!!
2molo class chalet at coasta sands.
will be lots of fun i hope
hope the BBQ will be better than last yr.
ok. plan for 2molo.
play til friday morning.
dun wan slp.

chalet chalet chalet!!!

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zone 10 AA champs
Sunday, June 1, 2008

so today is competition.
was damn nervous in the morning
finding things to do.
but after tat then ok liao
calm down a bit.

during competition
we spam toilet like siao lahz.
did TOC then long case then FD then short case
TOC screw cos hit the casualty nose against the railing
lol, somemore is our sec1
long case ok FD ok short case tot was ok

so results.
best long case best CPR best FD overall AA champs
going nat comp
michael team oso got best TOC
happy for them too
suppose to be happy but still cried.
cos cannot tahan. alex team veri sad.
see them cry i myself oso cried.
sob sob sob
so cheered them abit.

now quite happy lahz.
suppose so. but got the sianz sianz feeling.
dunno why....
tired... 2molo still got sch....
dun feel like going sia.....

anyways. now lets hope we win nat comp.
but there will be like damn little training.
tired... shld slp now....

jiayou jiayou jiayou jiayou jiayou!!!!

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title: close to you
best viewed: firefox
name: Joson Chong,張俊生
sch: maris stella high sch
age: 15~16

chitter chatter

they long to be
  • kevin
  • kahmeng
  • jue hong
  • pohwei
  • nich goh
  • jingwei
  • daniel tam
  • dexian
  • cheungweng
  • aaron seah
  • nick chiam
  • melvin wah
  • watson tan
  • 4F'08
  • siying
  • louiza
  • yingying
  • huibing
  • mshs humanities

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