new song
Thursday, July 31, 2008
ok... i think enough of collide. change the song. this is quite a nice song. so enjoy :)

Right Here Waiting
Oceans apart day after day
And I slowly go insane
I hear your voice on the line
But it doesn't stop the pain

If I see you next to never
How can we say forever

Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

I took for granted, all the times
That I though would last somehow
I hear the laughter,
I taste the tears
But I can't get near you now

Oh, can't you see it baby
You've got me goin' CrAzY

Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

I wonder how we can survive
This romance
But in the end if I'm with you
I'll take the chance

Oh, can't you see it baby
You've got me goin' cRaZy

Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

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3 days 2 nights trip to msia
Sunday, July 20, 2008
well. spend my weekends at msia with my family. the big family. the purpose of this visit: to visit my veri sick maternal grandfather, visit my aunt and uncle and cousins whom i have not seen for a long time since chinese new year, play with my baby niece who is so cute!!!

so i went back to msia on friday after school. reached there at about 11pm. so nth much was done that day. just went to catch up with Naruto's latest chpt. well... the story is developing pretty well... just abit draggy.... naruto is going to be imba wif sage skills... maybe a 2nd jiraiya. haha. then fight sasuke with the imba sharingan. woohoo!!

sat. woke up and saw aunt and uncle, paternal grandmother and my cousin who return from australia!!! studying music at australia university then now winter break i think. so she came back. long time no see her. miss her haha. went for breakfast. came back did hw. went lunch at 3pm? then my cousin from melacca came back too. with his girlfriend. miss them too. oh well. lunch was great!!! miss the food there. after tat visit my maternal grandpa. he seems to be getting better but still complains of pain. it kinda saddens me seeing him like this. he tried to tell us his needs but nth seems to come out from his mouth. tears actually came into my eyes seeing him like tis. lets just hope he gets better. so due to the late lunch, dinner was also late. at about 8pm. good food again. everytime i go back, there will be good food. then somemore so many ppl lahz. table for 10 and a baby. cool right? its veri fun having dinner with so many people. oh ya. in the afternoon they were all like 哎哟生啊,你好像瘦很多了。then dinner this happens 生来吃多一点,瘦了可以吃多一点。so cos of that my plate is always full. was damn full. wouldnt be surprise if i put on weight.

sun morning went out breakfast then took bus back to spore. custom there was a jam.... thx to mas selamat..... then reach home at 6.30om? sianz..... watch batman. OMG!!! bruce wayne is damn cool!!!! wat can i say? he's batman. damn cool sia.....

2molo is sch again.... no life for all sec 4s...... study study study.... mug mug mug.... jiayou lo.... 4 more mths to go and it will all be over.....

oh ya. didnt talk about my baby niece. LACY CHONG!!! she is damn cute. 14 mths old and she is kinda smart. she actually knows where is her hair, ear, nose and teeth. understands wat we are talking about and she damn zhuai. eg 1: dunno why she damn scared of me. so when i went to her, she ran to her grandpa then my uncle carry her. then she shout at me, like trying to say: i noe scared of you le. haha. eg 2: during lunch time. she wan food from my sis then my sis dun give her. then her grandma whom is my aunt gave her food. then she went to tap on my sis and eat infront of her. like trying to say: see. u dun give me food my grandmother will stilll give me. tats my baby niece for you. super cute. haha

why do we fall? so that we can learn to pick ourselves up.
-batman begins-

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Sunday, July 13, 2008
its been like 11 yrs since we see this trophey....
summary of wat we hv won.
best cpr, 2nd for long case, 2nd for short case, 2nd for TOC, 2nd for FD and overall 1st. haha:D
was kinda risky lahz... but all the first position of each catergory all go to different zones so we sort of won them. anyways. we just win them lahz. haha!!!! looks like all my worrying are for nth... i was like kinda scared tat i screw up and i think i sort of did. but anyways.... we won.

now super tired.... woke up at 5am?!?!?! so wun update of wat happen during the comp... anyways the highlights are always the results.
just some other info.... zone 10 won 1st for AA,AC and NA. NC got 2nd. wasted... if just one mark more and zone 10 could hv got all 1st positions. DOMINATING!!!!

haha. so cool.... my uniform stinks now lahz but still hv to wear 2molo. tired... slp slp slp....

three cheers and three cheers and three cheers for zone 10. hip hip hooray!!! hip hip hooray!!! hip hip hooray!!!

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Saturday, July 12, 2008
ok...... in just another few hrs and i will be at guang yang pri waiting for my uniform to be inspect and doing cases footdrill and TOC and waiting for the results.

so 2day 120708 marks the end of our competition training of yr 2008. this team was reali different from last yr. 2007: jingwei me yijing andrew hadrian. 2008: willis weeliang jingwei me yijing. this yr's team comprises of both NCOs and officers. training initially was abit wierd? them being officers and us being just NCOs.... we have abit of age gap? can say that we were more of afraid of them than anything else. cos they are officers and we area just NCOs.

subsequently, when there are more and more trainings, we get to know them better and get to where we are now. before zone comp was like...... didnt reali talk much communicate much. however as time passes, being through all the comp trainings and mock comp, kena scolded together, have fun together during comp training, have fun at the basketball court, all these certainly make comp trainings more bearable and enjoyable.

7 mths of training together. not exactly long, not exactly short. yet i get to know my 2 seniors better. willis: teddy bear no.1. haha. no offense. initially i think he himself oso doubted whether he is suitable to be the no.1. but all these trainings showed that he can do it and i think he reali did a gd job. weeliang: qian da guy of the team. like to ji xiao ppl de but he himself nv gets angry easily too when ji xiao. hmm... we can say he is the pillar of the team. our performance during trainings reali depends much on him. he can bring up the spirit of the team and always optimistic but sometimes too complacent? haha. a great basketball player too :p jingwei and yijing: well... wat more do i hv to say? 2 yrs of teammates, went through all the crap together camps, NCO-ship trainings. all these dun hv to say anymore :D

lastly!!! our wonderful trainer, mr cho jia cai. well... he is gd to play wif at times, irritating at times... think all these are part of a gd trainer? haha. 2yrs trained by him... get to know him better oso. he like to read 武侠小说 like me, like to play DOTA like willis weeliang and jingwei. 2 yrs of training. sometimes he makes training fun and enjoyable, sometimes reali too unbearable. well, i know its kinda hard on him to juggle comp training, corps stuffs and his studies together. i hv seen him a few times chionging down for training though he just ended lesson. so maybe i shld treat him better and dun argue talk back so much next time? haha. well.... it depends....

so 2molo is nat comp. all i hv to say is lets go out there and thrash all the other zones. after coming this far, it wil be kinda wasted if we lose at this point of time. however, regardless of the results 2molo, i will always remember comp trainings of 2008 :)
i will also like to thank all the officers and cadets who gave their support for this 7 months. i know there are officers like kahmeng and walter came down for training and help us. aiden lester justin bryan oso came down to take a look at trainings to give their support. the cadets will be mostly the sec 1s, 2s and 3s who came down to help out in trainings as casualties. without u guys, all these wouldnt have happen. not even the zone comp champ will be ours. so once again. thank you!! :D

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BBQ at east coast
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
i had an enjoyable time at east coast on sunday and monday. haha. the sec 3s organised a BBQ for us SNCOs and some officers came along too. it was at pit 41 if im not wrong, near the chalet area and so far from 7-11 and macs lahz. haha.

so i went there at around 5.30, went to rent a bike for overnight. while they are still setting the BBQ pit, i went cycling around east coast. cycled from area D, which is where we are, to area G and back again. haha. quite long distance and guess wat? when i am back i can start eating. haha. the pit was set up and the food were already cooking. the sec 3s were the ones supposedly to set the pit cook the food for us but then they dunno go where, so left only 两个老的zhanhui and kahmeng to do the job. so we eat and eat and eat. at like around 8+, everyone was fed they started playing soccer and daidi. justin sir went to but some alcoholic drink of 11% and i heard tat hadrian was abit gong gong liao. drank a few sips too but nth happened to me. haha.

while they were playing soccer and daidi, i had andrew to teach me how to skate. it was kinda difficult at first, cant even balance myself. after that, slowly got used to it and i was able to walk. then with the help of jingwei and andrew, i could finally know how to skate. or lets say im 3/4 to knowing how to skate. in total, i fell down about 10 times and i think i sprain my right wrist. jiacai is not going to be happy if he sees this. haha. who cares..... so skating took up most of the time and when we returned, most people had already left and they have not blown the birthday cake which jue hong bought!! so after that we packed up the area while chengding was busy trying to keep the fire alive. lucky he was there so we could cook somemore food after that.

when most of them left, only those who stayed overnight were there, who are: me, jingwei, yijing, jeremy, marc, alex, juehong, yongzhi, michael and chengding. they sang birthday song for me, cut the cake and eat. took a freaking long time to light up the candles cos the wind too strong.... after the cake we played risk and i controlled whole of america. muahahahaha!!!

after tat we went night cycling. cycled to bedok jetty, enjoy the sea breeze and back again. at that time jingwei was already sleeping. lol. eat abit and i also went to rest. the time was about 5 i think. woke up at 6 then cycled to bedok jetty again to watch sunrise. too bad it was too cloudy so could not see much. cycled back and everyone was practically up. went to sat at the breakwater, enjoyed the breeze and ate breakfast. kept the tents, returned the bikes and we are off.

along the way to taxi stand, we became like damn guai lan. saw a grp of girls riding and one of them crash into someone. then i told yongzhi: see wat i tell u? number 38 is a unlucky number. cos the girl was wearing a jersey of no. 38. then marc was like: 那个三八给我记住. damn loud somemore lahz. dunno they heard us or not. another guai lan was jingwei and chengding. couldnt rmb wat they did le. but its also damn guai lan one. haha. had a fun time.

through the night. i think the sec 3s had an enjoyable time too. making fun of me, calling somebody and ka jiao regardless of the time..... i will rmb wat u all did......

went home, tired but dun wan to slp. did hw, tuition, back do hw again and slept at 11. surprisingly i was still quite ok wif one hr of slp, maybe a bit sianz sianz. but we still have fun. thx to the sec 3s.


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Saturday, July 5, 2008
so today is pop, which i think is what most of us SNCOs now NCOs then are waiting for. arrived at school at 7.20am to do some last minute touch-up to the video with the help of ivan. when i reached school, i was kinda confused at how i am feeling. a mixture of feelings.

happy that we can pass out, no more irritating lesson plans for me. sianz cos after the parade and video presentation have comp training to 6pm. glad that the sec 3s are finally NCOs, bringing the corps to greater height. kinda sad oso that we NCOs are having less chances to meet up now. a mixture of feelings.

started the event with 1 rehearsal and then its the actual thing. was going quite smoothly until hadrian had to be tongue tied and could not shout Kawanlan Kerhormatan. so a minor mistake and we are officially passed out. after the parade, i was like super guailan and kaopei. ppl come talk to me then i was like....... piss off........ give them the most guailan reply i can come up wif.... lucky nobody come niao me.....

then watch video. jiacai sir wan let us watch, then 又呱呱叫say wat so slow blah blah blah.... then i say we watch next time go training then he say nvm go watch go watch. dunno wat he thinking sia..... after tat then training. then lunch.

trained til 6pm. was totally sianz off. lucky jingwei was like there to entertain wif his 'no mood' and '没心情'. some inside joke. its ok u guys dun understand cos even yijing willis weeliang and jiacai dun understand. they just see us suddenly burst out laughing w/o knowing why.

after training then went off. walking along howsun drive oso keep laughing. laughter is the best medicine i have to agree wif that too. now tired. have been lacking of slp for the past few days, staying up to do the video and the video was like..... not that nice lahz. haha. anyways was super super sianz for the whole day, like sianz x10^9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 lol. tired but a pile of hw is still waiting for me....


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4th july
Friday, July 4, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! yea!!! today 4th july is my birthday. but somehow its the same day as erwin's birthday. didnt expected that.

today go sch and i saw this on the whiteboard.
was surprise lahz. there is actually people in the class tat remembered my birthday. anyways. ths small words beside my name was from shawn teo. nick's is on the left side which i left out. it was nice of them lahz. thx guys. so like reginald's birthday, the birthday song was sang over and over again. every teacher that came in once then they sing once. in total, i heard the birthday songs about 10 time, 5 english 5 chinese. reginald was worse. 10 english 10 chinese. haha. nice bunch of ppl. so that was wat happened in sch. i oso received presents from the class. so nice of them.
so cute right? haha. i noe. i think so too. i like it. :D thx guys
these are the people who contributed. kinda blur. go figure out who are they yourself. haha.
so after school was pop rehearsal. was joking around. many phototakings. feel kinda sad that we are leaving the corps soon. yup. haha. after that went for dinner. went to bishan pizza hut. went with hadrian zhanhui marc juehong nicholas goh ivan jeremy ong yijing. kinda happy that they are people celebrating birthday for me. for the past few years i onli celebrate birthday alone. haha. had a fun time today.
and guess what? i actually blew my birthday cake at like wat? 11.50pm? haha. different leh this yr. like so cool....
quite happy today. my birthday for the past few have been quite lonely. always spend alone de and also no presents de. this yr got presents got more people celebrate birthday. haha. enjoy this yr so much. thx guys. :DDDDDDD

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title: close to you
best viewed: firefox
name: Joson Chong,張俊生
sch: maris stella high sch
age: 15~16

chitter chatter

they long to be
  • kevin
  • kahmeng
  • jue hong
  • pohwei
  • nich goh
  • jingwei
  • daniel tam
  • dexian
  • cheungweng
  • aaron seah
  • nick chiam
  • melvin wah
  • watson tan
  • 4F'08
  • siying
  • louiza
  • yingying
  • huibing
  • mshs humanities

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