new song
Friday, August 29, 2008
a few weeks ago....
jarrell teo: eh u change blog song ar?
me: ya.
jarrell: aiyo... why u change to that song?
me: nice wat...
jarrell: the song is 九十年代de leh. almost as old as us le leh...
me: but nice wat...
i forgot how the conversation goes after that.... so change new song... nice and oso not as old.... enjoy...

I wont talk
I wont breathe
I wont move till you finally see
That you belong with me

You might think I dont look
But deep inside
In the corner of my mind
Im attached to you
Im weak
Its true
Cuz im afraid to know the answer

Do you want me too?
Cuz my heart keeps falling faster
I've waited all my life
To cross this line
To the only thing thats true
So I will not hideI
ts time to try
Anything to be with you
All my life I've waited
This is true

You dont know what you do
Everytime you walk into the room
Im afraid to moveIm weak
Its true
Im just scared to know the ending
Do you see me too?
Do you even know u met me?

I've waited all my life to cross this line
To the only thing thats true
So I will not hide
Its time to try anything to be with you
All my life I've waited

This is true

I know when I go ill be on my way to you
The way thats true

I've waited all my life to cross this line
To the only thing thats true
So I will not hide
Its time to try anything to be with you
All my life I've waited

This is true

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Monday, August 25, 2008
time really flies..... prelims is just 2molo starting with the english and i am here blogging.... oh well..... whats there to study for english? thats what most people say and they usually dun come back with good results. so does that means that there is something to study for english? i tried by looking at past compos and compres but they only show me how much i deprove since sec 3..... hiaz..... and i dun seemed to feel the stress.... maybe cos i have the thinking now that prelims are no longer as important as before, but i know the importance of prelims. maybe i should start stressing myself which i dun like to and dunnno how to..... lol.

today during RME lesson ms yeo ask a few questions, should be related to studying...
1) rate from 1-10, how much will you rate that on the amount you are studying?
ans: 6
2) from 1-10, how much stress are u feeling now?
ans: 3
3) what are you most afraid of?
ans: blank out during exams even though studied.
4) describe about a time when u succeeded.
ans: win zone and nat comp this year while i get 3rd last year in zone comp and went to nat comp as spectator.
5) forgot this qn. about motivation dunno what.....
ans: i)to prove to myself that i can do it.
ii)just do it.
iii)impossible is nothing.
so these are the 5 questions that she asked. actually, most of my ans are crap. i do not know what to write actually, maybe except for qn 1 and 4. when she ask those qns, i actually do not know how to ans. well... what does that means? does it means that i am not feeling any stress? actually even i myself does not know the answer.

i believe that most people have already started studying, including me. but now looking back at all my studying, i seemed to be doing less than most people. nick watson reginald have been like staying back almost everyday in school to study until like 9pm many is done. i stayed at home and study and it seems to me that minimal is going into my head. wondered is there any thing wrong with my study methods or is it that the information did sink into my head just that i dont realise it only, and this seems impossible.... lol.

well... had lunch today with leslie alvin and kevin. after that, we actually sat there and talked for like about an hour+, regardless of exams 2molo. lol. we actually had fun talking. talked about what might happened to us after 'O' level, what we will do, discussed about some specific people in class *secret secret*, and many more. lets just say its a form of relaxation before exams 2molo. haha. we were wishing for 'O' level to come faster so that it will end faster when the prelims have not even started. lol.

7 subjects, 50 days to 'O' level, average of 7 days for each subject and one day to rest.... is that enough for me when i am having problems with my physics, geography and english? and i had a wacky idea. anybody wan to go watch movie one day before the 'O' level? hahahahaha :D

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adidas spree
Sunday, August 10, 2008
oh my god!!! i actually spend $94 buying an adidas shirt and pants!!! wa biang eh......... wonder what actually hit me to buy..... lol..... but anyways.... wonder what will my mother expression be when she returned from japan and update my bankbook and see that i had $94 missing at one go....

actually the plan was simple de lor. go J8 eat dinner go popular buy my stuffs and go home. then kevin say got wat seasonal sale then kahmeng cannot tahan want go there spend money. in the end.... i was oso psycho to buy.... kevin even more pro... yesterday buy 3 liao, like $90+ liao then today another $94..... actually i saw a polo-t that looks really nice but dun hv size le. and a jacket too. but thats kinda ex... $112... so onli get a shirt and pants which amounted to a total cost of $94......

wa biang eh......

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Saturday, August 9, 2008

090808 marks the 43rd birthday of singapore. singapore has come a long way as a small fishing village, through the japanese occupation, merger with malaysia and finally independence. along the way, many obstacles were met but mr lee kwan yew and gang nv gave up and this is what we are finally. i wish singapore all the best in the many years to come. yup....

so today is national day. one of the rare saturdays that i can stay at home for the whole day. still, i hoped that somebody or anybody can ask me go out so i would not have to stay at home the whole day, which is really boring. yup.... so practically stayed at home the whole day. faced the tv, faced the comp and faced homework. thats what i did for the whole day. at least i did some studying.... but being 'some' only, time was still wasted.

then was NDP08. can only say..... its boring.... the starting was still ok you know. then the parade, the drills were very nice. then, everything after the parade was boring. i actually almost fell asleep while watching. so.... ya...... boring..... after that was a series of tv shows. celafare, first class and heroes season 2. all quite nice. yea. haha.

2molo is sun. and the following day is mon which is a sch holiday. so ya.... gd time to rest and study.... haiz..........

i am proud to be singaporean :D
am i?

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national day eve
Friday, August 8, 2008
yea!!! today is national day eve. i think the programmes that the teachers and students put up was great. really. the act was quite creative, especially mr kwok. he shld get the best actor award man. haha. and try imagine mrs tan-chin acting as an aunty. haha. i think the performance was great just that the atmosphere was not 'high' enough so there was not much participation in the sing along. overall was quite ok. yup.

after that we went for movie. watched mummy 3 with alvin leslie kevin reginald nick janson and jialiang. surprised to see jialiang huh? haha. went for lunch and went to cathay to watch mummy 3. that area seems to be a popular hangout for marists... saw so many marists along the way. haha. well, luck wasnt on our side, when we bought the tickets we were sitting at the row from the front, which was exactly an ideal position to movies. our necks have to stretch long long and was really uncomfortable. luckily, me and kevin were smart enough to look for empty seats that were not occupied and just slot ourselves in. our new seats were 3 rows from 2 rows from the front, which was a much better position than 2 rows from the front, though it was by the side. the movie was overall quite nice, though not as nice as batman, but still.... its nice. enjoyed it. rate 3.5/5. an A2 score.

after that, reginald left his wallet in the cinema so we walked back to cinema to wait for him. as he lost his wallet, he was given a new nickname of 'wallet loser'. haha. so thats when we went on separate ways. me jialiang and janson went back to plaza sing while the rest walked to bugis. at plaza sing waited for brian and guowei to come. watched another movie. journey to the centre of the earth. was another nice show too. abit sci-fiction abit fantasy. the movie overall was not bad oso. its not a horror movie but i dunno why during the movie there were like people screaming at the back of the cinema.... lol. so the show was quite nice. rate 3.5/5 also. this 2 movies can be watched. haha.

so 2molo is national day. a whole free day. anyone going out to study or anything? dun think i can study at home or watsoever..... anyways is it my hp problem or wat.... sometimes sms that i send out to people are not replied..... if its not my phone problem means i must be reali unpopular that they want to avoid me or smth.... lol


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Thursday, August 7, 2008
this week has not been a good week, especially today, 070808. couldnt reali sleep well last night cos of my sprained ankle. its like very weird, have to sleep in this postition then i will not feel pain. so woke up this morning, to my horror, my ankle seems to be feeling more painful than yesterday. didnt have the chance to look for a doctor cos i dunno what kind of doctor to see. bad time to get myself injured or sick now as my parents are not in town so no one to bring me to the doctor and i dunno what kind of doctor to look for. does the normal clinics under HDB flats treat sprained ankle? walking down to the busstop to sch, i was like wondering how am i going to stand throughout the bus journey if the bus is crowded and how am i going to walk up mount vernon road. slowly limp my way up? luckily i met my neighbour who is another marist so i followed his car to sch. phew....

reached sch everything seems fine. limp my way up to my classroom.... slowly with the help of the railing. reached the classroom then things happened. marcus hung have to be so 'accurate', we were playing cards and someone called him. he turned around and he kicked my ankle..... stupid idiot..... it was so painful can.... after that morning assembly. lucky mr kwok not here if not with all his stories, morning assembly will definitely drag longer. eng nth much then physics. kevin also have to accidentally to kick on my ankle. this one still not as pain as marcus de. recess. slowly walk down and up.... took me like 3mins to come up for class.... after recess, lessons were nth much.

lunch with samual shing. and gep starts at 3.50. lesson ended at 2 so we took our time. went for gep and i saw my gep tcher for the first time. ms goh teck koon(dunno how to spell). think i wasted my time there cos she is like..... she like dun even know what she is teaching. and the way she goes through the qns is like jump here jump there de.... jump here jump there anyhow jump later my results jump down also how? so.... time wasted there.... about 3hrs in total.

went home and it had to rain at all times. at first was a drizzle and i was like hoping the bus could drive faster. then it started to rain heavily, heavily with a capital HEAVILY, and the bad thing was i forgot to bring my umbrella and i could not run. walk home from the bus stop and it was as though i went for a swim in my uniform with my sch bag. was totally wet like 落汤鸡. lets hope i dun get sick.

then went for tuition. was walking to the traffic light and i saw my bus arrived. i could not run so miss that bus. wasted time waiting for the next bus... after tuition. reached the traffic light and the bus also come again. this time i ran and the stupid bus uncle just drove away. i think his mirrors in the bus are for decoration purpose, not to look at the back of bus. so crap......

what a bad day for me... how much worse can it get? limping my way home under a HEAVY rain. everything wet...... oh well....

on the bright side, its 070808 2molo. half day sch followed by national day then a sch holiday on monday. hope can spend my long national weekend now. its seems that i lost the drive to study now...... haha.

It is by chance that met and by choice that we became friends

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Friday, August 1, 2008
yeah!!! its the weekend!!! a gd time to rest but still must study.

last friday went to watch the dark knight. think it worth every cents of my $6. veri nice lahz. shld go and watch before the movie ends. batman is super cool can. he also very noble lahz. ready to sacrifice for his city without anything. hope got batman 4. make it even nicer. was able to watch cos sch ended early. was founder's day then there was dinner at shangri la hotel and teachers have to go and help out. so we ended early :DD

sat. went for a wedding dinner at carlton hotel. the place was quite high class and i got a bit not used to it. went there as a representative of my grandma cos she was the one invited instead of us, but she had another wedding to attend at the msia side so we went instead. veri funny one. the invitation wrote the walk in will start at 7.30pm SHARP. so we reach there at 7.30 SHARP but.... as expected of a singapore wedding the walk in started an hour later. by then, dinner start at 9.00pm. was super hungry lahz.... the food was quite nice. 8 course meal plus one dessert. went back at about 11.15pm. watched troy.was another very nice show. 2nd movie of the week.

sun. was usual for me. just tuition and tuition. went home at night to watch 霍元甲. not too bad oso. like the fighting. so was the 3rd movie of the week. wat a week of movies.... haha. so nice.

some movies on the list tat i wan to watch.

1) X-files: i want to believe

2) Mummy 3: tomb of the dragon emperor

3) journey to the centre of the earth

4) 钱不够用2

so these are just some movies i wan to watch. maybe can catch them during the national day weekend ba.

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title: close to you
best viewed: firefox
name: Joson Chong,張俊生
sch: maris stella high sch
age: 15~16

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