end of prelims
Friday, September 19, 2008
alright.... today marks the end of our prelims, ending it with chemistry paper 1, just like how O level is going to do it. well... i think that chemistry paper is quite ok, unlike physics paper 1 which according to many, there are lots of trick questions. so i think this is how MCQ is going to be. since prelim is a simulation of O level, does it means that we can have fun and go crazy today, just like how we are going to do on 121108? according to leslie, he will be going back to class, go crazy, take tables chairs and anyhow throw, pull out the imac bring home =.=' wonder how is he going to carry that imac home.... and he might just be caught for vandalism and stealing *fingers cross*. haha.

however, i do not think anyone actually have the mood to simulate go crazy today. with wonderful news like ' more than half the cohort failed physics', everyone just got turned off... nick was quite satisfied though, ms goh said that he answered all the bombastic questions quite well but the easier questions he could not do. this actually made him quite happy for the afternoon. for me, what can i expect of myself? i was still hoping that i might be able to just scrap a pass with this relatively hard physics paper, but with this piece of wonderful news and the tricky questions of paper one which i obviously didnt realise any, i will be standing with the majority. i was stilll hoping that i may get a L1R5 of below 2o this prelims, but guessing now, it would be quite hard. i think i didnt do well for my humanities also, so there go 2 subjects, which most probably give me a L1R5 of above 20.

on the other hand, my higher chinese did better. i got an A2, i think this is the first time i get an A for my chinese. yeah me!!! i also heard from mrs ng that my a.maths wasnt very well done too, though i felt that paper 1 was quite easy and paper 2 is like the typical MSHS paper, difficult and always finishing on time or cannot finish. she said i did average, so probably a B and most a probably a B3. so with 2 subjects, i got 5 points. physics and humanities add together, 10+ points. how nice.... 10+ points with 4 subjects. chemistry, i think was quite ok though i just finish on time with a few careless mistake due to lack of time to check, but many came out of the exam hall complaining that it was very difficult. then, i started to wonder, is my chem really good until most people find it difficult and i find it ok or is something wrong with me? from past experience, whenever my chemistry i think that i did ok, i usually dont get very good score. so.... my L1R5 will be just well about 20. oh well.... lets not think so much about it and all will be revealed next week. hope my friends in other schools are doing ok. haha.

so we didnt exactly went crazy today but still went to relax abit. ms goh said that now is not the time to let down and we should just continue to work harder. well... we didnt exactly heed that advice. after the paper, which started at 11am and ended at 12pm and i went to school at like 7+, now knowing the paper starts at 11. we went to play basketball and after that lunch with leslie while reg nick aaron watson went to pool. then we went there to meet them, but in the end me and leslie did nth, just sitting there and watching them play. leslie was dying there but i was having fun though. it was fun irritating watson and reginald. irritating them with the stick, or whatever you called it was fun, but i think they got pissed off. only watson brought home an extra thing- a blue-black, and its from me!!! yeah me!! yup. so this is what we did today. hope it will not be like this on the 121108. haha.

haiz.... prelims have ended and the O levels are coming up next.... how comforting.....

on the side note, congrats team singapore for getting one gold, one silver and 2 bronze in the beijing paralympics. woohoo!!! well, i think most people are not watching this paralympics but i watched the news are read papers for the updates. i actually quite admire them. they are really brave to face all the difficulties and never give up. thats really good and this is what all of us should learn. 天生我才必有用,doesnt mean that they are handicaps and they cannnot achieve anything. we have much more to learn from them. so, jiayou to all the paralympians, though the paralympics is over....

well.... i think now is back to studying..... the thought of it just makes me feel like sleeping, it will be better if i can just sleep and not wake up.... not saying that i want to die.... maybe just wake up to eat, watch tv, surf the internet, chat and hang out with friends and then back to sleep again. 过着无忧无虑的生活, but this sounds too fairytale, so impossible now..... so back to reality, i only have one chance for O level, screwed it up and pop goes the weasel.... crapping abit now. think i should learn from leslie, developed an interest in studying. it will be easier if i am doing something that i am interested in.... lets see how i goes.


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time flies.....
Sunday, September 7, 2008
time really flies huh...... it only seems a few days ago when the holidays just started and now? it has ended. not exactly a holiday as most of the time is SUPPOSEDLY to be used for studying and not for play and relax but...... nvm...... 2molo marks the 1st of term 4, which means that we are 42 days away to my first o level paper and 65 days to my last paper. on the bright side, this is one less than yesterday, not exactly very encouraging but still.... it might work. however, there are always 2 sides to a coin. on the other side, you can think as 65 days more.... about 7 weeks more, about 2 months more, so long so long..... oh well..... different people have different way of thinking and different views upon the same situation or the same people. it actually depends on how one looks.

well... i think most of the sec 4s regardless of what school should be in the midst of their prelims now. so is MSHS. before the holidays started, we completed our English paper, Chinese paper, A maths paper 1 and SS paper. so i have about 4 subjects left, which is going to be spread over 2 weeks. i do not understand they have to split the exams over such a long period of time. i know the teachers want it to as close to o level as possible but isnt it better if we end the prelims earlier so that we can get back our papers faster, go through it so that we have more time to ask questions? even if they wan to simulate like o level, the part where the exams are spread over 3 weeks, i think that can be left out. this is how i feel. as i have said, different people have different views on the same situation.

i asked some people this qn. did u study for your prelims? some said yes, some said no. i ask those who didnt study for prelims why. they replied: because dont have the first 3 mths liao, so just study for o level. this is how they think. personally, i still feel that the prelims are still impt even without the 1st 3 mths. it actually allow us to see how much we had already studied or how much more we have to study so that we can catch up on what we are lacking after the prelims. it can also give us a rough gauge on how well we are doing, a rough estimate of how we are going to do for o level.

with the o level just so close, i wonder is it a good time to give pressure to oneself. is it better to be a) gives pressure to ownself.
b) happy go lucky, 就算天塌下来也当被盖 ?
some people tends to give extra pressure on themselves til the extent that they are like.... almost going crazy? i think i belong to the grp b people..... just do as per normal, will not purposely add pressure on myself, thinking that its just o level, 船到桥头自然直..... blah blah blah........ is this kind of thinking good? from what i heard from most adults, they say not give yourself too much pressure or u might break down and everything will go to waste. but i think i am being too relax with myself? haha.


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teachers' day
Monday, September 1, 2008
today is 1st sep so... happy teachers' day to all teachers!!! yea!!!

since teachers' day falls on sch holidays, mshs held the performance on friday, the last day of term 3. the teachers actually put up a talent-time competition for the marists and they will form a band or something on their own and they compete. its suppose to be a teachers' day celebration but the teachers are actually planning it. abit wierd... haha. anyways the performances were great. some marists are actually quite talented. and the teachers too. some of them can really sing well. haha. so was quite enjoyable that day.

after that went back to my pri sch. went back a bit too late cos stayed back in sch for a while..... and my pri sch frens all went off le when i went back.... lol. anyways all my pri sch teachers only left with one in the sch. the rest all not there le. shld be change sch or smth. anyways i just want to thank my pri sch teachers for what they have done for us during pri 6. thank you teachers.


recently, i dont know is it exam stress or what, but i get rather easily irritated? dunno why also lahz..... like study too much then become like tis but i also din study alot..... dunno lahz..... and i am oso abit confused by what people are saying. some people tell me that the o level is still quite easily to score well but some other people say until o level like so very hard like this lahz.... very sianz lahz... i like now got no motivation to study lahz..... sianz lahz..... sianz sianz sianz sianz sianz........... sianz x10^999999999999999

exams sucks.

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title: close to you
best viewed: firefox
name: Joson Chong,張俊生
sch: maris stella high sch
age: 15~16

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