last day of school
Friday, October 10, 2008
081008 marks my last day of school in maris stella high school.

seriously speaking, i was feeling kind of 舍不得 on that day that my life in maris stella with my class ended so quickly in 2 years time. so on that day, everyone just stop studying during class and went around taking photographs and playing chess, beyblade, slapjack. we were like given 2 hours to do some stupid surveys and we completed in less than half hour. ms yeo also then allow us to do our own things and we were so noisy that teachers from other class have to come over to ask to lower volume. i think they must be surprise that why ms yeo allow us to make so much noise that day. its kinda sad that i am leaving my friends after 2 years together.

my last 2 years have been a wonderful with this group of 4F people. it will certainly be different without them. i dont think i can find a class that i can hang out so well with and bond together. there are people like watson that make our lessons interesting. its really a source of entertainment to see watson getting 'niao' by ms yeo everytime. thanks watson! haha. well there are other people in class that made my last 2 years here different. coming from different class during sec 2, i think we bonded quite well together as a class. in this class, its not all about mugging, results and stuffs, its the bond that we forged over this 2 years. its this bond that we have forged that make 4f'08 of MSHS a special class, the best class one can get. if you ask me which are the most memorable years in MSHS, it will definitely be in my sec 3 and sec 4.

needless to say, such a wonderful class, there is certainly a wonderful teacher, ms yeo. although she is kinda inflexible at times, but i know its for our own good. she has made all the effort to make our class bonded which i dont think any teachers will go to the extent to do that. well, i will definitely remember ms yeo as my form teacher. thank you!

now, i think the most important thing is to prepare for o levels which is coming in 10 days time. so 4F, lets work hard for it and we all get results and go into our dream school. we will have all the time in the world after o level to hangout and do what we want. i will miss you guys. its been a pleasure knowing all of you, especially nick, hongkiat, leslie, jermaine, alvin, reaginald, watson, melvin, jarrel a.k.a carrot, janson weizheng huiyang daren samual shing kevin yijing, in no particular order. finally, some pictures that i will make me remember all of you.

amd we also had dinner at chomp chomp that day to celebrate the last day of school. some pictures as well.

alright. enough of this. its time to bury in my books and work my hardest towards o level. once again, thank you guys!

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title: close to you
best viewed: firefox
name: Joson Chong,張俊生
sch: maris stella high sch
age: 15~16

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